Well, I missed yesterday’s post…
I haven’t gotten any writing done today yet, but I did for yesterday, ever getting closer to typing up all I’ve written in my notebooks! 🙂 – but I have been thinking a lot about my book today, does that count?
I did however get some reading done “You Like it Darker” by Stephen King, and some more “American Standard: Cheap Trick” by Ross Warner (I’m especially enjoying this one! 🙂 )
As well as partially taking apart a Kindle 2nd generation, to see how the battery was. Was very disappointed and frustrated with myself, to learn this model doesn’t have WiFi, after I’d purchased it. That’s my fault for not researching it enough, as I was buying to use for talk to text speech at my home… but you know what? I’m not going to kick myself in the pants too much, and just see how it goes, if I reach for it, as I use Calibre a lot for my eBooks.
What books are you reading? And what days are easier for you to not get writing done?