Day 12 – Cracklin’ Rosie

Spent about 20 minutes today typing up some of my written pages. Dave is getting signed out of his rehab, for a road trip with Val and Christie (which is unknown to him). And they bring Dave’s VW Van: Rosie!

Dave is trying to get his life together, after finding he’s going to be a father, and after an overdose/suicide attempt after fearing he’ll lose his baby and lost the music too. He’s determined now to fight for his son, as best he can.

At three weeks into rehab and sobriety, he is questioning his brokenness, as he sees his dad treating him that way, and the scripture The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit catches his eye, as he is broken-hearted and crushed in spirit, and wondering if God is there with him.

Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond: (the song and inspiration for the Dave’s van name! 🙂 )

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