All pomp and no circumstance, is what Christie tells Val, when she ask about her and Dave’s evening, which of course comes after Valerie tells her how she and Jack are on the same page, in every way. Stronger, Healthier, faith wise.
Christie is happy for her friend, but also sad and lonely, when will it be her turn? I know I have definitely felt this way, as I’m sure many of has who are currently single (male and female).
But our turn is coming, God knows, sees and understands the desires of our hearts. Our perfect match is coming, don’t give up hope, or faith. Keep praying for your future spouse, and believing that God will give us the desires of our hearts. He put the desires there in the first place! 🙂
To all my singles — those who in the near future will be Mrs. or Mr.! Don’t give up, your someone is out there, just like my someone is. May God guide us all to our spirit mates, and a new chapter of our lives will begin! 🙂