Day 41: Diner Heaven

Image by AI-Hobby-Kunst from Pixabay

I was disappointed, I went to bed earlier than usual yesterday and I didn’t get the blog post up. 🙁

I wasn’t quite happy with the train analogy from yesterday’s writings, so I worked with it more this morning, and am much happier with it! I tightened it up, and tried to make it more realistic from a parent’s perspective.

In today’s writing I included something I had wanted to do for a while, I just wasn’t sure where it might fit, but I felt this was a good place for it. Another supernatural segment, but on the good spectrum this time. Jack had a health scare, and he’s afraid he’s dying. He is saved at this point, but he doesn’t want to go yet, as he’s a part of his daughter’s life and just getting to know her, and trying his best to be a good dad, and get his life/keep his life together.

In this scene, he sees his parents in their youth, in the setting of a 1950s diner. I’m still working it out, but already I like it. I wanted to make this scene a touching and emotional one. I look forward to fleshing this one out and laying it down on paper!

I referenced “American Graffiti” in this part, and that’s a great film, and I thought ‘I need to watch that again!’, especially as I’m reading Mackenzie Phillips autobiography “High on Arrival” currently (which I recommend!)

Earth Angel by The Penguins:

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