Redo: Day 1 – Back to The Start

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

After listening to a video from Andi on YT earlier, I knew it was confirmation. I’d slipped and missed a couple of days now back to back. And I realized, it was like time to start over, and commit to 30 days of blogs!

So here we are: Day 1!

I wrote some today, and finally reached the one scene I’ve always pictured in my hand: A happy, and possibly slightly sunburned Jack and Holly, in a Polaroid picture. Holly views taking the photos to show her mom, as if she’s there with them, a part of the trip. They are both missing her, and Jack struggles with feeling guilty and like maybe a week with his daughter was too much at once. Holly doesn’t quite understand why they’re apart right now, but is hoping and looking forward to the day when Jack can come back home with them.

I look forward to writing the scenes ahead: romance, tenderness, forgiveness, vulnerability and trust, love, sadness and grief, anger. Jack and Valerie’s story is a beautiful story for me, one of redemption, forgiveness, overcoming great trials & adversity. One of finding each other — of finding themselves, their true identities and growing together.

All of my writing and characters to a point are personal, and parts of them driven from personal experience, but I feel even more so connected to these characters. What started me down their journey, the Holy Spirit has used to reveal things to me, sometimes as I write it for the character, He points out that it is truth and realization for me too. As they’re working towards healing, I am and have healed some already.

Art is a beautiful gift, and it takes many forms, and it’s benefits go deep, I believe within many people.

What are some of the writings or forms of Art that repeatedly reach you? And if not art, what reaches you, inspires and encourages you? Helps you to grow?

For me it is music and books, Holy Spirit speaks a lot to me through music and books. (Occasionally it’s movies too! 🙂

Andi video: Prophetic Word – Keep Posting!

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