Day 15 – David & Bathsheba

David & AI Generated Woman Photos from PixaBay


Today I’m still working on the Valerie/Jack scene, and this is pure romance, I feel like. The realization they’ve forgiven each other, but how do they forgive themselves? Valerie needs and wants Jack to lead, and she wants him to show her how he loves her.

They’re both getting to the point, where they’re ready to have sex again, but it’s not yet. This is almost like the next step, up to that. I know where and when the sex part of their marriage will occur. I’ve had that planned for a while, and its inspired by how David comforts Bathsheba after the death of their son, and he sleeps with her afterwards.

I’ve thought about this before, and realized and also at times purposely patterned the book this way. But Jack’s story mirrors David’s in many ways: adultery, poor choices and finally coming to his knees before the living God, repenting of his sin.

But I thought about and realized this: If there’s a David, there’s a Saul. Who is the Saul? I would say Taylor is the Saul. He is hunting Jack, determined to get back what he thinks Jack stole from him, but the hunt and obsession goes deeper than though, it’s spiritual. In my recent scene, I pretty much said that Taylor is possessed, but the character he was speaking too didn’t catch that. This will come up later as well, in probably one of the final scenes with Jack and Taylor.

I haven’t worked out the fine details of that scene yet, but I do have a good idea of how I want it to end up!

David and Psalms are some of my favorite men and books in the Bible, and one I can relate to a personal level. I suspect many can.

What is your favorite book(s) of the Bible? Which men and women of God inspire you and your creativity/writing?

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