Day 31 – It’s Magic

Here we are, day 31! I debated, do I do a blog today? Was 30 days the end of the daily blogs? And you know what, I’m not sure. So here I am! 🙂

In today’s writing, Dave meets with Jack, as he needs to speak to him about the demonic creature he keeps seeing ever sense his overdose/suicide attempt. But Dave is annoyed at first seeing the “surprise” from Taylor, concerned/angry that Jack might be using again. Dave tells him to turn it over to the police, hoping that there is a chance Taylor will be found and arrested.

Now, since Christmas is so close, I thought I’d share this. YouTube suggested to me K-Mart 1974 store Christmas music, included are store messages and jingles! It’s relaxing and hearing the jingles/announcements is cool! I remember K-Mart as a kid, and my mom would treat my brother and I to the ice cream there — it was always Superman for me! (it is to this day! If it’s there, I’m getting it! :))

I have fond memories of another local place, that just closed down about 1-2 months ago, after the Hurricanes adding to the repairs already needed. My grandma on my dad’s side used to take us there, and many fond memories of trips there with my family since. <3

What are places and memories that are fond/dear to you, of places or stores no longer in business?

The K-Mart Christmas Video:

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