I’ve been thinking about this blog for a little while now, but I wasn’t sure what to post. I thought I’d do something a bit different and fun today!
My current book project is set in Michigan in the early 1980s, about a young musician and singer, who is estranged from his wife after a loss they went through. After 6 years, he comes back and wants to save their marriage.
The genre: Romance/Drama
My question and fun topic for this post is:
* What book are you writing? What genre is it?
* What is your writing routine (if you have one)?
My writing routine:
I try to write a little everyday, even if its just a sentence, or a paragraph, I count that as a win. On the weekends, I type up what I’ve written by hand, and occasionally use a speech reading program (Speech Note on Linux), for reading it back to me. This helps me catch any errors/things that sound odd.
(Please comment and share about it, I’d love to read them! 🙂 )
P.S. Please remember: All the small things and wins, lead to big and great ones, just keep showing up! 🙂
With love, your writing buddy,